Last seen: Feb 22, 2018
Before being able to comfort your dog, you need to know first their characteristics and personality. You need to observe how they act when their anxie...
Spending thousands of money for schooling, passing a license being a Vet and ending up hanging out with dog at a party or in a scrub with filthy anima...
I've never encounter an animal more loving than a dog. We can learn a lot from dogs. From being a friend to a family. I never trusted anyone the way I...
I can't say it for a lot of people but for me, yes. Yes, having a dog made a big difference in my life. My dogs literally saved me from giving up my l...
I get that kind of look whenever I put my earphones on and start swaying my head. But what I get from them every single time is a look that looks like...
My first dog died because of drunk dude who was passing by one sunny morning and my dog barked at him because his face was unfamiliar and he suddenly ...
The common mistake of new dog owners when bathing their dog is letting the water go inside the dog's ear and because of this, the dog's ear can become...
I love dogs, in any kind and in any forms. I don't know but it does not matter to me whether they are small or big. But in terms of cuddling, I prefer...
I never leave my dogs alone at home and I am so glad my mother is fond of dogs too. Whenever I am not around, she takes care of them. All of my dogs l...
My dogs, which surprised me, are actually fond of cats. I don't own a cat or anything but my friend does and she visited me one time and brought her c...
There is actually a treatment for cynophobia and it's an evidence-based therapy. I once had a cynophobia because when I was still a kid, our neighbor'...