Last seen: Feb 9, 2018
I had never tried doing that thing since our dog has its own dog house that every time he would want to sleep. Besides it was already a tradition in ...
My favorite movie was the Armageddon by Bruce Willis. I really love that movie because it has a great story concept with great cast of characters. I ...
My favorite dog in cartoon shows is scooby doo since I always remember how coward he is when there are some monster or strangers that he encounters. I...
I understand your sentiment about that particular thing, I really don't want also to see some dogs that are being slaughtered and being eaten regularl...
I tend to agree that clean dogs are clean of rabies since sometimes rabies can be acquired by the dog in unpleasant environment and for the hygiene it...
Yes definitely since I feel much joy whenever I have the dogs in our house. Whenever I feel stress in my work but when I just saw a dog it suddenly m...
I also have two dogs a male and a female but my dogs were just an aspen since I cannot afford to have some imported dogs because it is very rare in my...
If only a dog can sing I think it would really nice to hear them. I would really be glad to listen to their smogs everyday even for a longer period of...
I really love the way this site was created. It is very smooth and very friendly to users. For me the contrast is already great but of course I under...
In my country it is very rare to have pets with insurance since as far as I know it is not really common in our place to have animals as recipient for...
Yes I do give them some supplemental vitamins to give them protection from any stress or virus that might hampered their health. I really love my dogs...
It is very hard for me to clean the teeth of my dogs because they are very unsteady. I also feel afraid that I my hands could be bitten by my dogs. i ...
I always give my dogs regular bath everyday since I don't see any reasons to not let them take a bath everyday because as I observed my dogs really lo...
I think as much as possible if we have the money we should provide our dogs with their own dog food since dogs are different form humans. There maybe ...