Last seen: Jun 1, 2016
Back when I was in high school, there was a guy that summed up my love of big dogs with this sentence: "I just love those big, stupid-looking dogs wit...
Very admirable, Corzhens. I wish more people had that kind of thinking when it comes to the health of their pets. I'm also glad to hear that the veter...
For me, anything that could be considered a wolf-hybrid is a dog I wouldn't mind having. Of course, because they're wolves rather than dogs, getting o...
Actually, most greyhounds are rather low-key. Just like Great Danes. They don't generally need to be up and at it all the time like Jack Russells or L...
Hahah, poor Loca. The jingle is adorable. Got me singing along to it. Thank you for reminding me of the video and making me laugh. I needed a good l...
Same thing happened to me, OP, with litter mate hamsters. Gerbils tend to do the same thing if they are not litter mates (though I didn't have that ...
Hah, glad I'm not the only one. My family, particularly my mother's side (as my dad's side has no personality whatsoever ._.), loves making songs abou...
As Corzhens stated, chances are the dog goes after chickens is because it's not familiar with them or thinks of them as prey/a threat. If you show the...
The best cats I've ever had have been complete mutts. Strays off the street. Rescues from garbage cans. They just seem to love their saviors more and ...
Well, there are ways. There are often pet-friendly extended stay hotels in thriving regions (Petswelcome.com). Yes, it may cost a bit more, but if y...
Oh man, as a kid I used to get up early in the morning to see the black and white Lassie television show on Nickelodeon. I absolutely loved everything...
Gonna get straight to it. I really love Tarantino's stuff. From Dusk Till Dawn is one of my all time favorites of Tarantino's. I actually saw it for ...
As others have been saying, the best treats are natural ones that would be in a wild dog's diet -- meat and roughage. Usually when I treat my dogs, it...
Can't say I've ever had issues naming my pets. The dogs that have been part of my life were Jessica (named by my father after the Allman Brothers Song...
I don't think there's any breed that's truly unattainable in the long run (and if you have enough money for it), but if we take into consideration env...