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Eminent Member
Joined: Mar 12, 2016
Last seen: Aug 7, 2016
Topics: 1 / Replies: 42
Teeth Cleaning

Oh the whole brushing teeth issue. We have battled with this as a family for as long as I can remember, and I cannot see that changing. My wife is w...

9 years ago
Dog Parkour

Well I have to say this is really one of those moments where you say to yourself "I thought I had seen everything". Actually, I guess I am not really...

9 years ago
Separation Anxiety

Of course we both separation anxiety when we are away, I think that i just natural. It definitely comes out more in them though, and I have two and t...

9 years ago
Was it easy finding a name for your dog/s?

I had it down to about three or four that I really wanted, but when it came to deciding among those it was really difficult. It might have partly bee...

9 years ago
Are all leashes the same?

Oh no. I am no leash expert - if there are any out there - but I do know that just like anything there is a quality gap when it comes to brands. I h...

9 years ago
Make your own dog shampoo?

Well I must admit I have never thought about anything like this before, but when it comes to saving money and the whole do it yourself spirit I think ...

9 years ago
Running Dogs

I would not be worried. Some dogs like to run and others don't. I know that my dogs love to run around whenever I do not want them to and it irritat...

9 years ago
What dogs do you have

I have two little Boston Terriers and the things are crazy. I got them about two years ago from the local Humane Society and haven't looked back sinc...

9 years ago
Making Your Own Dog Food

I don't but I do think that it is a creative and interesting way to save some money perhaps, or like you really care for your buddy and tend to their ...

9 years ago
Dog Siblings

I have always wondered what it would be like to have dogs who are related to each other. I have two Boston Terriers and of course they really look al...

9 years ago
Do you pay someone to do it?

I cannot understand what some people will spend their money on. I am sure that the fact that I do not really groom my dogs in any meaningful way migh...

9 years ago
Sharing A Bed With Your Dog?

Well I have had this discussion with many people many different times and I feel like I have never really came across any sort of answer. I have alwa...

9 years ago
9 years ago
Replies: 0
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