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Hardest and Easiest Fish to Take Care Off

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Posts: 87
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I think the hardest fish to take care of was my fan tailed goldfish, I killed like eighteen of them in six days. They produced way to much ammonia for the system I had and I didn't know it. So, I can't keep goldfish to save my life. The easiest fish I had were angelfish and sharks, which lasted for a couple years. The second one I had good luck with was beta fish. They were surprisingly hardy despite attacking the window every time someone or something approached.

So what was the hardest and easiest fish you've had as pets?

Posted : 22/03/2016 9:07 pm
Posts: 28
Trusted Member

I tried a fish tank once, but it was many years ago, and those were the hardest fish I had to look after. They didn't last long, but unfortunately it wasn't something I did. One of the fish had an infection which spread and killed the rest rather quickly. I don't trust pet shops to sell fish anymore! The problem was that to get any more fish would have meant replacing everything, gravel, filters etc, and sterilising the tank itself to a level I really wasn't sure I could manage. That was when I gave up and stuck with larger animals where the vet can be more help, and problems are more obvious.

The easiest fish I've ever looked after were the standard goldfish in next door's pond, because all I had to do was drop the food in and make sure the net to keep birds and cats out was secure!

Posted : 23/03/2016 11:15 pm
Posts: 15
Active Member

The easiest fish was a Betta. If you get them a large bowl with a slow filter, they only need a water change about once a week. I have found that the Betta's love to interact with people. mine used to swim up to the top of the bowl and watch me when I was near. The most difficult fish I have had so far are my Chichlids. They are very aggressive fish that often can not be kept with other species of fish. They need a pretty specific setup with lots of places to hide and a large tank.

Posted : 24/03/2016 9:27 am
Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Carps and Flowerhorns make for great aquatic pets, in my opinion. The advantage of raising carps is that they're affordable (particularly when bought at a young age) and can live for decades in a filtered and regularly cleaned aquarium. The more expensive type is the Koi but they can also last for decades living in either a large aquarium or Koi pond. You can raise several carps at the same time too.

As for Flowerhorns, they won't consume a lot of fish pellets because ideally, you should only raise one Flowerhorn at a time. They can't live with other fishes - not even their own kind. They can grow so big in the span of a few years and you can also opt to feed them pellets that are specially designed to increase the size of their forehead.

Posted : 17/05/2016 6:50 pm
Posts: 12
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So far I have only had one fish in my life time and he is super easy to care for.
Beta is by far the easiest pet I have ever had.
A turtle was the hardest. He was a Red Eared slider that I won at a fair, he died 4 months later. I was told I kept him alive longer than most of them last that were given out in fairs.

Posted : 18/05/2016 9:03 am
Posts: 34
Eminent Member

Goldfish are surprisingly hard to take care of. I don't think I've ever had a Godfish last for very long. My little brother has gone through three goldfish in the last month. He has finally managed to keep his Goldfish "Tina" alive for several weeks. I think you just have to get to know the fish itself and know what it's eating habits are. Over feeding can kill the fish along with any other thing you do. -_-

Posted : 18/05/2016 10:16 am
Posts: 18
Active Member

Wow, really? I'm surprised. In my own personal experience I've found that Goldfish were the easiest to take care of, tropical fish and things like that more difficult. That's how I've always perceived it to be anyway. Over the last eight years we've had two Goldfish. One of them died after about two years and the other one is still going.

Posted : 18/05/2016 4:29 pm
Posts: 62
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The easiest fish to rear are catfish. They are omnivores and feed on a wide variety of foodstuffs. They are even used to control overpopulation in fish ponds with prolific breeders like tilapia. Catfish can survive in low oxygen and turbid conditions. View are also resistant to diseases and nature fast.

Posted : 18/05/2016 11:10 pm
Posts: 9
Active Member

Molly's are very easy to take care off I've got a small 15 gallon tank filled with Molly's. I just started with 6 and it multiplied to a 100 or more in just a year.

Posted : 21/02/2018 12:52 am
Posts: 1
New Member

I had a beautiful, red betta fish called Jimmy who was very easy to look after. He was very active and would often even interact with me, if i waved my finger in front of his tank he would follow it, and often swim up to the surface if I held my hand above it. Unfortunately, I think when I bought him he had fin rot, since his fins got gradually more ragged over the course of his life despite my best efforts to curb it. He had a happy life though, he had crystal clear water all the time and a cool little castle to hang out in. I hope fishy heaven is just as accommodating.

Posted : 21/02/2018 6:16 pm
Posts: 9
Active Member

The easiest fish to take care off is a Janitor Fish it simply doesn't need taking care off. And very resistant it just won't die.

Posted : 22/02/2018 9:13 am
Posts: 67
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I have never had any experience with fishes. I have always been fascinated whenever I see a good looking fish pond but I have no knowledge on how to start one.

Posted : 01/09/2022 7:42 am
Posts: 179
Estimable Member

Goldfish is the easiest fish to take care of, my thought though. I don't have a fish or have any experience at all on how to train them. I have seen many goldfishes in people's home and my thoughts have been that it's so easy to keep, the reason everybody have one.

Posted : 02/09/2024 9:03 am