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My Labrador has a b...
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My Labrador has a bald spot

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Steve Dawson
Posts: 15
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My 10 year Golden Lab, Margo has recently lost the hair on her belly/chest so she now has a bald spot. Theres no sign of skin irritation or anything and she doesn't seem bothered by it. The vet recently gave her a check-up and declared her completely healthy, but he said he hadn't seen a bald spot like it before. I know they say animals get to look like their owners, but I didn't think Margot would end up with a little bald spot like mine. Have any other owners, particularly labrador owners seen anything similar to this on their own animals ? I'm not concerned about it as she seems as happy and healthy as ever, but it seems a bit unusual to me and no-one I know has ever seen anything like it before.

Posted : 13/03/2016 10:45 pm
Posts: 10
Active Member

Anything you are feeding her or any washing/grooming products that might be reacting badly on her...then again the vet gave her a clean bill of health...if that's the case, put panic mode on the back burner, although, if it were me I'd be worried stiff still...what if you seek a second and third check-up from different vets?..Just my $0.02.

Posted : 14/03/2016 11:27 am
Benoit W
Posts: 26
Trusted Member

Rеаsоns fоr hаir lоss аrе numеrоus.

Dоеs yоur dоg hаvе аn injury? А соmmоn rеаsоn fоr thе lоss оf hаir in а раrtiсulаr аrеа оr isоlаtеd sроt is аn injury. Thе injury itsеlf саn саusе hаir lоss, аnd thе соmрulsivе liсking оf thе sitе оf thе injury реrfоrmеd by mоst dоgs will rеmоvе hаir аs wеll. In suсh instаnсеs it mаy bе nесеssаry tо trеаt thе injury аnd рrоtесt it frоm furthеr аttеntiоn by yоur dоg. Соvеr thе injury with а bаndаgе аnd рlасе аn Еlizаbеthаn соllаr оn yоur dоg tо kеер him frоm liсking thе wоund. Yоu саn buy this tyре оf соllаr аt mоst реt suррly stоrеs.

Mеthоds fоr trеаting thе injury саn vаry trеmеndоusly dереnding оn thе sеvеrity оf thе wоund. Yоu саn рrоbаbly trеаt suреrfiсiаl sсrаtсhеs аnd аbrаsiоns аt hоmе. If thеy dоn't rеsроnd wеll, yоur vеt's hеlр shоuld bе sоught. Tаkе аny рunсturе оr lасеrаtiоn sеriоusly bесаusе it mаy rерrеsеnt а mоrе drаmаtiс injury thаn yоu think аnd hаvе а wаy оf gеtting wоrsе in а hurry.

Posted : 14/03/2016 1:41 pm
Cheesy Potatoes
Posts: 3
Active Member

My lab had bald spots once. Our vet told us it was because of allergies. She was allergic to chicken, but she had a bad habit of chasing the neighbors' chickens and eating their chicks. I had to train her to stop doing that, so now she doesn't get bald spots.

One of our professors once told us that sometimes when dogs don't have enough protein in their diet, they would have bald spots. When my dog gave birth to her litter a few years ago, she almost lost all her fur! We had to change the dog food we gave her.

Posted : 14/03/2016 5:27 pm
Posts: 37
Trusted Member

A picture would help. But if the Vet said the dog is healthy I wouldn't worry about it. If she isn't scratching at it or constantly trying to rub it against something, she'll be alright. I've seen dog that have gone bald because of skin disease and disorders. Some have scratched themselves til the flesh starts to tear and bleed. You pet is far from that.

Posted : 20/03/2016 6:46 pm
Posts: 49
Trusted Member

My pup had a black spot where the fur disappeared when he was younger, had him checked out and they said it was a sign of a fungus or something but that it was already inactive and would go away on its own. It did, but it was unsightly for about a week. He recovered smoothly though.

Posted : 20/03/2016 6:48 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Is the skin on the bald patch black? If you see any kind of hyper pigmentation it could be black skin disease or alopecia x, it is actually called like that, and the "x" is because the causes are unknown, sometimes it disappears by itself.

The good news is that it appears to be purely cosmetic and the dogs don't care, I guess the vet ran some blood tests to discard any type of hormonal imbalances.

Posted : 20/03/2016 11:00 pm
Posts: 109
Estimable Member

It could be the allergic reaction to something, the change of weather, the ingredients in the treat, the blanket that she sleep on, etc. My niece' s dog has bald spot on her behind too, but she is an American bulldog. After many trips to the vet, they found out that she has allergic reaction when the weather changed.

I hope your dog will get her fur back!

Posted : 21/03/2016 1:46 am
Steve Dawson
Posts: 15
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Topic starter

Is the skin on the bald patch black? If you see any kind of hyper pigmentation it could be black skin disease or alopecia x, it is actually called like that, and the "x" is because the causes are unknown, sometimes it disappears by itself.

The good news is that it appears to be purely cosmetic and the dogs don't care, I guess the vet ran some blood tests to discard any type of hormonal imbalances.

No, the skin in the bald area is completely normal looking, theres no discoloration at all, just the normal skin pigmentation. The skin is smooth with no visible injuries, bruises or marks and Margo doesn't mind me stroking it. Apart from the lack of fur, theres no other unusual part about it at all.

Posted : 22/03/2016 2:51 am
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

No, the skin in the bald area is completely normal looking, theres no discoloration at all, just the normal skin pigmentation. The skin is smooth with no visible injuries, bruises or marks and Margo doesn't mind me stroking it. Apart from the lack of fur, theres no other unusual part about it at all.

No wonder your vet was puzzled since this bald spots are usually accompanied by the hyper pigmentation of the skin that turns very black. Other than that, the symptoms appear to be the same since there is no damage to the skin whatsoever apart from the color.

One of my dogs has that, it is certainty a mystery since he lives with his sister that never experienced that, so it does not appear to be genetic, and they eat pretty much the same food and are exposed to the same exact environment and conditions.

Our vet suggested hyperthyroidism, that's why I was asking you about blood tests.

Posted : 22/03/2016 8:53 pm
Posts: 13
Active Member

My 10 year Golden Lab, Margo has recently lost the hair on her belly/chest so she now has a bald spot. Theres no sign of skin irritation or anything and she doesn't seem bothered by it. The vet recently gave her a check-up and declared her completely healthy, but he said he hadn't seen a bald spot like it before. I know they say animals get to look like their owners, but I didn't think Margot would end up with a little bald spot like mine. Have any other owners, particularly labrador owners seen anything similar to this on their own animals ? I'm not concerned about it as she seems as happy and healthy as ever, but it seems a bit unusual to me and no-one I know has ever seen anything like it before.

I also have a black Labrador which has the same case with your dog brother. The bald spot of my dog is came from playing too much biting with his dog playmate. Try to monitor it if it wouldn't grow hairs anymore.

Posted : 09/02/2018 3:50 pm