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Dog Abuse

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Animals will always be animal, there is no way they are going to behave like human beings no matter the kind of training given to them. Sometimes a little discipline is encouraged to set the track straight in letting the dog know what it did was wrong. But this doesn't give the dog owner the right to abuse the dog by constantly beating it. This is so wrong in all ramifications and such person deserves legal punishment for such treatment to animals.

I have seen one guy take out the frustration of his relationship with his girlfriend on his dog. Simply because the dog spill a bucket of water. He nearly killed the dog that day and I kept wondering why melt out such treatment to the dog? If he no longer wants the dog, he should put him up for adoption and not want to kill it over silly things.

Posted : 07/02/2018 12:49 pm
Bumble and Hank reacted
Posts: 12
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I believe there is a special place in hell for people who abuse animals. There is no excuse for hurting defenseless creatures who look to us for protection. People who lack the patience to deal with the frustrations of owning a dog, have no business owning a dog. And anyone who willfully harm animals should be locked away!

Posted : 07/02/2018 1:19 pm
Posts: 31
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I agree with the above poster and it especially saddens, angers me that dogs and other animals are used for science. It seems like in this day in age they could create machine simulations where animals are not needed. Anyway, I'm all for terribly harsh penalties for animal abusers and scientists.

Posted : 07/02/2018 1:25 pm
Posts: 56
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It's absurd that many humans still don't understand the need to take good care of their dogs and pets in general and feel that at every slightest frustration, they should let that out on the dog. I mean that this is not just the way things should be considering the fact that pets are called pets because they are meant to be our close friends which we should be with when fellow humans disappoints us.

Posted : 07/02/2018 2:03 pm
Posts: 12
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Dog abuse must be punished! In our country killed the and eat them as if they are just pigs and chickens. Some are being punished but they were so many of the specially in the lone city.

Posted : 07/02/2018 4:07 pm
Posts: 78
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Yeah, people don't understand that just because we're the "superior" animals, it doesn't mean that we can treat animals any way we like. Also, people seem to not understand that dogs are bred to be domesticated, to be companions to humans, compared to those which are bred for livestock. I believe that animal abuse, especially when not provoked, is a sign of psychopathic tendencies in a human. If you can't treat dogs well, there is a high possibility that you also abuse other people.

Posted : 07/02/2018 4:12 pm
Posts: 24
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I believe there is a special place in hell for people who abuse animals. There is no excuse for hurting defenseless creatures who look to us for protection. People who lack the patience to deal with the frustrations of owning a dog, have no business owning a dog. And anyone who willfully harm animals should be locked away!

Some people aren't worth living in human society in my own opinion because of how they act and behave. Punishing pets that are meant to be their one true friend is not something appropriate to do. Can you believe that there are some set of people that eat dog meat? This is a very disgusting thing to do. Hell fire is not enough punishment for such person.

Posted : 09/02/2018 6:48 am
Posts: 24
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I agree with the above poster and it especially saddens, angers me that dogs and other animals are used for science. It seems like in this day in age they could create machine simulations where animals are not needed. Anyway, I'm all for terribly harsh penalties for animal abusers and scientists.

On the part of using dogs or other animals for scientific research is something that I believe cannot be stopped because it's the only option for such purposes. Human beings are not expected to be used for such purposes as we are higher animals. Although I would advocate not making use of dogs for such research and science, rodents would be best in my opinion for such things. If a higher animal is needed, then I would recommend monkeys but not dogs. Dogs are man's best friend and should be treated as well as such.

Posted : 09/02/2018 6:53 am
Posts: 24
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It's absurd that many humans still don't understand the need to take good care of their dogs and pets in general and feel that at every slightest frustration, they should let that out on the dog. I mean that this is not just the way things should be considering the fact that pets are called pets because they are meant to be our close friends which we should be with when fellow humans disappoints us.

It really pained me so much seeing a dog owner take out his frustration on his dog for just no reason. The dog never deserved such treatment as it was never the cause of his initial anger. It was so sad for the dog having to suffer that horrible experience. When dogs are treated well and loved, they tend to make our lives a happier and enjoyable one. I know this because of how my relationship with my dog Billy is. I shower him with lots of love and he makes me very happy in return.

Posted : 09/02/2018 6:56 am
Posts: 24
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Dog abuse must be punished! In our country killed the and eat them as if they are just pigs and chickens. Some are being punished but they were so many of the specially in the lone city.

There is this particular state in my country Nigeria called Akwa Ibom state, it's known very well for its notorious killing and eating of dogs for feeding purposes. They prepare dog meat sauce, pepper soup and vegetable soup with dog meat. The time I went to this state for one of my professional programs and discovered how dogs were treated there, I almost cried and the funny thing was that there was no law in the state against such acts. This was very disgusting and inhuman towards the animal dog.

Posted : 09/02/2018 7:00 am
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

I ever wonder how some people can do such abusive things to a very lovely dogs. Dogs are a very loyal friend to use humans. And also they act as our little guardians. Dogs need to be cared and loved by us. Don't abuse the dog instead love them like our own family.

Posted : 09/02/2018 7:02 am
Posts: 24
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Yeah, people don't understand that just because we're the "superior" animals, it doesn't mean that we can treat animals any way we like. Also, people seem to not understand that dogs are bred to be domesticated, to be companions to humans, compared to those which are bred for livestock. I believe that animal abuse, especially when not provoked, is a sign of psychopathic tendencies in a human. If you can't treat dogs well, there is a high possibility that you also abuse other people.

I totally agree with you on this, anyone who purposely abuse dogs or other animals when unprovoked should be considered to have serious problems that need immediate attention and treatment because such person if care is not taken would definitely abuse his fellow human beings. I root for having such person institutionalized for his safety and others around him.

Posted : 09/02/2018 7:03 am
Posts: 24
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I ever wonder how some people can do such abusive things to a very lovely dogs. Dogs are a very loyal friend to use humans. And also they act as our little guardians. Dogs need to be cared and loved by us. Don't abuse the dog instead love them like our own family.

The benefits of having a dog in one's home and life can never be overemphasized because they are very important to us and serves several purposes for the owners which security that you just mentioned is among. It offers company and makes one's life a fun and happy one. But it's so sad having to see some animal and dog owners go out of their way to abuse these lovely creatures. This is something beyond accepting for me.

Posted : 09/02/2018 7:08 am
Posts: 15
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I am seeing some short an long videos showing how animals are being abused all over the world. Some are being thrown at fires and people watch them cry and burn to death. Some are being hardly hit in the head resulting for them to be unconscious. These are all so depressing and sad. I cannot imagine how they were able to do such brutal things to this friendly creatures.

Posted : 09/02/2018 8:09 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

Well, like most people who have owned dogs, I absolutely am disgusted by abusers. My dog is so sweet and innocent, sometimes when he's acting like a silly loaf or gets scared because a water bottle fell off the counter or something harmless like that, I think about a dog with his temperament being in an abusive household and it breaks my heart. Nobody is forcing animals on people, if someone has no interest in caring for them properly I don't know what compels them to take on a pet.

Posted : 09/02/2018 9:10 am
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