Last seen: Aug 7, 2016
My grandma's golden retriever Sammy was really quiet but that could have been because she babysat the cats. But the time I heard her was when she wou...
My mom tried adopting a couple times when I was younger but the dogs were aggressive and wouldn't stop biting. Adopting a dog only works with dogs t...
I don't know if you guys have heard about the Dog Meat Festival in China, where they mass butcher dogs and roast them on sticks. The moment I heard ab...
[USER=34]@Valerie[/USER] That is a great story. I am sure that rooster was grateful to your uncle for rescuing him from the fights. I have never reall...
As a general rule, people should always ask to pet someone else's pet. You never know if an owner is training a dog, if it likes people, if it's str...
My first pet was a Holland Lop rabbit named Flower. I got it as a baby and could cup it with both hands. She was white with brown splotches on her h...
Never, I kick and roll over so much in my sleep that I would end up hurting my dog. I would love to sleep next to my dog and cuddle but I would feel ...
Yes, dogs and cats can get along. It usually depends on their personalities and what age they meet. The best dogs to pair with cats are golden retri...