Last seen: Jun 1, 2016
Does your dog have any favourite toys, or are there any you could recommend? My dogs have always been the kind to prefer sticks and dead things over ...
Obviously, dogs have an amazing noses. The world is a gigantic ball of scents to them, and your trash can is a veritable smorgasbord of vittles that ...
Yes, a fellow Shiba Inu lover! I also love short-coated dachshunds, Australian cattle dogs, and Labradors. But I love dogs regardless of their coa...
When I was growing up, my German Shepherd Jessie absolutely loved water. My dad and I would take her to the nearby park where there was an enormous l...
I've seen animals that live with other species quite well. Most of mine have been rather narrow-minded though. The dogs didn't want to be with the c...
Hmm, if I recall, the last vet visit was about $50 for a physical and stool sample. That was in New Jersey, USA. Now in Japan, however, a routine ...
The dogs I've personally had experienced separation anxiety from time to time, but after a while, they got used to be on their own for a few hours. A...
As much as I'm aware, there should be schools of sorts available in your location for training therapy dogs. There are obedience tests the pooch will...
The title made me laugh a bit. Back when I was in high school, my best friend had a chihuahua named Bacca who hated men. Particularly Hispanic/Latin...
I've never really been a Spiderman fan, but when I saw this part in the trailer, I was indeed stoked. I love seeing the Marvel universe come together...
Have your tried Kongs and Nylabones? There's also Nerf balls that come in different sizes.
My cats have never been responsive to cucumbers. None of them. My cat Misty, though, what gets her flying are Berber area rugs. As soon as she step...
Lol, this made me laugh. All the memories of when I tried to give my cats baths suddenly bubbled up. Geddit? Seriously though, every time I tried t...
I'm currently reading a Japanese novel called Loups Garous. Actually, I haven't picked it up in a while. Thanks for reminding me!
Like others have responded before me, dogs are very skilled at sniffing out the truth. If someone means you harm, chances are they'll catch onto it f...