Last seen: Jun 1, 2016
“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back ...
The German Shepherd I grew up with, Jessie, adored squeaky toys and sprinklers. In the summertime, I'd spend hours chasing her and getting chased, mud...
Aw, congratulations! The pup looks like such a sweetheart! The breed combination sounds like a winner to me. You're sure to have quite the character. ...
I'm a ridiculously active person, so I'd prefer a dog that wants to be on the go and sticking their noses into things. Though an affectionate dog is n...
I get this from a lot of animals, lol, not just dogs. Cats seem pretty good at making this face too. I think it's funny when animals get confused by h...
I love Savannah cats. They're big and dog-like and amazing. I also love Scottish Folds. They just have such expressive faces and cute ears. The colors...
Golly do I think about this often. As a child, I used to agonize over what would happen if there was a fire. I lived in a huge house full of pets. Wha...
Holy crap, 66,000 puppies. I can't even. Indeed, dogs aren't colorblind. Dogs also have a 250 degree field of vision, compared to a human 190 degree...
I don't think intelligence is linked to the color of a dog's palate. That's like saying the color of its skin determines how smart it is, which we all...
Hmm, everyone has made great suggestions. I, too, feel that the first "trick" should be one related to housebreaking. When I was training Rufio, my pa...
As [USER=142]@Belovedad[/USER] mentioned, since the dude's leaving (which is actually great news in this case), it's best to just deal with it for now...
Sounds kind of like the infamous 'bacon allergy' some people are cursed with. That's a shame for Pipoy! But I'm glad you were able to sort it out and ...
None of the dogs I've tried to dress seem to appreciate their outfits very much. My grandmother's chihuahua/terrier mix, Erin, would rather freeze her...
I have misophonia. In other words, even the sound of my dog's tongue squishing against the rubber edge of a ball will make crap hit the fan. I had to ...
Animals in general have made a difference in my life. Some of my happiest memories have nothing to do with human interaction but with my or someone el...