Last seen: Mar 24, 2016
In a lot of places, it's illegal to not get the rabies vaccination. Anyway, why would you not vaccinate your dog completely? Even though my dog dislik...
I love the glossy, sleek coat of Miniature Pinschers. I'm also slightly biased towards short-haired chihuahuas, since I own one. Their fur is just so...
My dog's name is Hissin' Pete, like the character from the comic Paranatural. I thought it sounded hilariously old-timey and western, which fits my li...
[USER=63]@Frisbee[/USER] It's definitely different when there's adult dogs around. Adults dogs will teach puppies manners and correct their behavior, ...
My dog loves to raid the bathroom trash can. He can't reach the one in the kitchen. Dogs are natural scavengers, so it's instinctual for them to smell...
Most reputable breeders don't allow people to take two puppies for a very important reason- Littermate Syndrome. It's why people who train guide dogs ...
My chi gets to eat little bites of banana every week for treats (he goes wild for them, no idea why.) Other than that, he very rarely ever gets human ...
There are tons of boarding kennels with trained staff where you can put your dog. There's also sites like Rover where you can hire people to take care...
My dog's favorite toy is this little raccoon one. It has two different squeakers in it. I think he likes it because it looks more realistic than other...
It sounds like submissive urination. Basically, he may be misinterpreting your girlfriend's gestures as confrontational and dominating, and he's peein...
Here's my chi, Pete. He's about 5 months old. and here he is on one of our walks, investigating the creek
I think it depends on the situation. Leaving a dog outside alone, tied to a tree all day, is obviously not a good thing to do. But if you don't have a...
I have a chihuahua, so for us a harness is a must-have. One of the most common injuries chihuahuas get is a collapsed trachea from pulling on the leas...