Eminent Member
Joined: May 30, 2016
Last seen: Jun 2, 2016
Last seen: Jun 2, 2016
Bathing Your Dog
George will shun you for a whole day if you bath him. He is so full of scorn. As soon as he gets taken into the bathroom you know he will not love you...
9 years ago
Toys, noises, and owner's nerves
My Jack Russell has one mission when it comes to squeaky toys.....kill. He has never had a squeeky toy where the squeeky bit hasn't been ripped out wi...
9 years ago
Whаt gоеs оn in thе mind оf а dоg?
I'm pretty sure my dogs thoughts go something like this: ''Birds! run run run bark bark bark chase chase chase!'' "Cats! I hate you cats!" "Lawn mower...
9 years ago
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