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He's trying to talk
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He's trying to talk

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thomas pendrake
Posts: 3
Active Member

Years ago I had a female dachshund companion named Angel. When she was a couple of years old she began to talk. She would say "I'm hungry", "I want to go out", and "I love you". When she talked around non-family, they would be very shocked. She enunciated quite clearly. When she died in my arms after being run over by a neighbor, it was like loosing a child. My last dachshund began to try to talk when she was about 10 years old.
If dogs can understand as many words and phrases as they do, why shouldn't they try to talk?

Posted : 31/05/2016 5:38 pm
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

I've also seen videos of this before. I always talk to my pets like people. Do you think this helps them learn? We think our pet understands English you can say anything to him, and he usually knows what to do. Sometime I ask him to do tricks for treats that he has never done before, and he will do it. I want to teach him how to speak.

Posted : 01/06/2016 9:33 pm
Posts: 31
Trusted Member

Dogs certainly try to talk to owners. They will bark, bang on doors. and probably more stuff. However, the idea of them talking - as a human does, is ludicrous. In fact, they simply cannot understand English, though, it seems like they do. I mean, we pretend they do and sort of believe it.

Posted : 20/06/2018 3:47 pm
Posts: 179
Estimable Member

There was this video I watched that made me know that dogs can pronounce words. It was about a couple and their dog. They were so in love with their dog and their dog also love them. The lady was carrying the dog while man was videoing them. He was calling on the dog to repeat everything he said. After many attempts, the dog got one of the words the exact way the man called it. It was from there that I know that dogs can talk.

Posted : 29/05/2024 8:44 am
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