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Why dо sо mаny dоg оwnеrs lеаvе thеir dоgs оff-lеаsh in lеаsh-оnly hiking trаils?

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Benoit W
Posts: 26
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My 3-yеаr оld dаughtеr usеd tо bе vеry саlm аrоund dоgs. А fеw mоnths аgо, shе hаd аn unprоvоkеd сlоsе саll with а dоg whеn it bit hеr wintеr hаt оff with еnоugh fоrсе tо unstrаp it. Sinсе thеn, shе shriеks аnd pаniсs whеnеvеr shе sееs а dоg. Unfоrtunаtеly, hаlf thе dоgs wе еnсоuntеr rеасt tо hеr pаniс with аggrеssiоn. This is ОK with lеаshеd dоgs, but thеrе's litеrаlly nоthing а dоg оwnеr is аblе tо dо tо stоp thе dоg whеn it's unlеаshеd. I hаvе nоthing аgаinst thе dоgs thеmsеlvеs, but wе аrе аppаllеd tо find sо mаny dоg оwnеrs nоt fоllоwing lеаsh-оnly rulеs in publiс pаrks аnd еspесiаlly hiking trаils (wе оnly visit thоsе thаt rеquirе lеаshеs). Аrе thеrе lеgitimаtе rеаsоns fоr nоt dоing sо? Whаt is thе bеst wаy tо аsk thеm tо fоllоw thе rulеs? Yеs, I knоw my dаughtеr nееds tо оvеrсоmе hеr fеаr, аnd trust mе, wе аrе wоrking оn it.

Posted : 20/03/2016 6:52 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Unfortunately you can't always control others. If there are rules the best you can do is report it to park officials. I've never understood why people leave their pets unleashed in public. Even the best pet at times has their moments. On top of that just for the safety of the animal I would have it leashed especially on a hiking trail even if only to protect it from other animals. In court the first question asked when their pet is involved in anything is "was your pet leashed"?

As for your daughters fear. Maybe try taking her to a shelter or something so she can play with some of the calmer dogs. Also make sure to teach her how to approach a dog and what not to do around dogs. Or start even smaller, try a stuffed dog or one of those interactive puppies. That way she can learn safety and not have any kind of fear of anything going wrong. It will take some time. But I think eventually she'll get through her fear.

Posted : 20/03/2016 7:57 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Let me tell you something, and this will come across as being a little unsettling, but as a a person that previously owned a huge mastiff I can tell you, for some dogs, a leash is just decorative in terms of trying to stop them, and I am a big guy.

When you are with your small child, be wary of dogs even if you see them on a leash, it is better to err on the side of caution. Some people are simply jerks and irresponsible and don't recognize the need of proper obedience training, because a leash is not enough.

Posted : 20/03/2016 10:52 pm
Posts: 109
Estimable Member

I recently visited California and noticed the same thing, dog without leash in the street, in the parking lot, and on the beach. I was surprised to see many dog owners just go without a leash and I always prepare for the worst when I see that, since without a leash a dog can just jump on someone suddenly.

Luckily for us, no dogs bothered us as we were with a nervous child around dog. He also was attacked by a chihuahua when he was two, so the fear was there.

I don't know if we can ask people to enforced the law to put leash on their dogs, but I hope they do that on their own. Unless the park rangers issue a ticket to those that don't practice the law, nothing else we can do.

Posted : 21/03/2016 1:40 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

I agree that dogs should be leashed when taken out to walk because sometimes the dogs become aggressive without provocation. There these unleashed dogs of the aggressive breeds just come around and begin to sniff me, which is a bit unsettling because I am not sure what the dog might do next.

Posted : 21/03/2016 11:12 am
Posts: 35
Eminent Member

Let me tell you something, and this will come across as being a little unsettling, but as a a person that previously owned a huge mastiff I can tell you, for some dogs, a leash is just decorative in terms of trying to stop them, and I am a big guy..

Wow - that sure is news! Having small dogs all my life, I never really gave a thought to what it must be like having a huge dog at the end of the leash. But of course it makes sense ... All that muscle power at the end of the leash, unexpectedly bounding off -- yes. I can see how it would just be "decorative". I don't have a small child but I can just imagine a scene like the one described above - my child in a panic and a huge dog like yours being unsettled by loud cries. I don't really envy anyone in that scenario.

Posted : 21/03/2016 11:42 am
Posts: 2
New Member

I dont know but its sad. I know they will cry if they lose their dogs or if it bite someone.

Posted : 21/03/2016 11:58 am
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Wow - that sure is news! Having small dogs all my life, I never really gave a thought to what it must be like having a huge dog at the end of the leash. But of course it makes sense ... All that muscle power at the end of the leash, unexpectedly bounding off -- yes. I can see how it would just be "decorative". I don't have a small child but I can just imagine a scene like the one described above - my child in a panic and a huge dog like yours being unsettled by loud cries. I don't really envy anyone in that scenario.

Yeah, but that's why a responsible owner will always undergo some kind of obedience training. A leash is not enough yet, a leash should not be necessary to begin with. The funny thing is that, sometimes, the larger the dog, the more calm they tend to be.

That being said, it is better to have a leash than none no matter the size of the dog, you doný want to be inviting that kind of trouble into your life.

Posted : 21/03/2016 9:15 pm
Posts: 179
Estimable Member

Sometimes, dog owners can leave their dog off leash because they feel like they need their freedom to walk around. I don't advised such but I think it's already a norm for them. I am always careful to avoid those dogs off leash.

Posted : 09/10/2024 9:10 am