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Small vs. Big Dogs
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Small vs. Big Dogs

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I too prefer bigger dogs. I like labradors and retrievers. To me they are the perfect size and they always think that they are lap dogs. I also prefer that my dog doesn't 'yip' or shake. (I do not have anything against small dogs, just don't like them for myself.) I get my dose of small dogs from my aunt who has five small dogs. Big dogs also make very good guard dogs and I love that they can fill my significant other's spot in bed when they are gone.

Posted : 30/05/2016 1:30 am
Posts: 8
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While small dogs can look absolutely adorable, I can't take the constant and very loud yapping they deliver. I prefer an over-grown 'WOOF' any day. I love the big dogs, the bigger the better and have an affinity for the lovable St. Bernard. I'm also fond of collies and border collies, with the latter being my 'Lucky'. Also, I think that some tiny dogs are simply out of their skulls. They will bark, growl, bare their teeth... and two seconds later they are sitting on your lap, licking your face as if you were smeared with peanut butter or something. Weird little creatures.

Posted : 30/05/2016 2:06 am
Posts: 18
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It's kind of hard to choose between these two. On one hand, small dogs are perfect for cuddling with, and in my experience, smell less. They also eat less food, and are easier to walk since they won't go dragging me around everywhere. On the other hand, though, big dogs are absolutely adorable. Certain breeds that are big can also be protective, and make you feel safe. Cuddling with a big dog is still great.
In the end, I'll have to say I prefer big dogs for the protection they provide, along with the fact that they are just plain adorable. Sure, they'll drag me all over the place and they might be a little stinkier, but they are perfect for hugs.

Posted : 30/05/2016 10:27 am
Posts: 34
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I love all dogs, but I prefer to have bigger dogs. Bigger dogs are usually more willing to cuddle in bed with me. I like the fact that they can protect me from danger, to a certain extent. I feel safe when I go on a walk with my dog. People tend to stay away from me because my Mastiffs and Shepard are so huge. I find that bigger dogs are less "yappy" as well. I can't stand small dogs that bark at everything that moves.

Posted : 30/05/2016 11:42 am
Posts: 16
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I love all dogs, really. However I've been growing with the big dogs as a child and now when I'm thinking of getting my own I'd definitely go for the big ones. Yes, the small are easier to maintain and travel around. But for me a big dog means an equal, someone I can rely on, cuddle with, play and someone I can call a friend. I don't mean that small dogs can't be any of these things but sometimes there're so small you're afraid you step over or break them. Maybe it sounds weird, i don't know...

Posted : 30/05/2016 11:53 am
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We have a medium sized dog and I think when we get another dog, we'll look at medium to small dogs first. The kids especially want a playmate who can jump around a little inside.

Posted : 30/05/2016 3:20 pm
Posts: 3
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It's such a huge discussion topic. Personally, I have a little dog. It just fits my lifestyle best right now. However, I grew up with big dogs. I especially love German Shepherds because that's what I had as a kid.

I think big vs. little depends on a lot of different things. It's more about the right dog big or little. For instance, my guy doesn't bark, yip, or yack, which is unusual and a huge bonus for me since I can't stand that. He's also shy and very attached to me which is what I need. He's my lovely little companion.

Posted : 30/05/2016 3:27 pm
Posts: 37
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My current dog is medium sized, 25-30 pounds and 17 inches tall at the shoulder. I grew up with large dogs. For our next dog, I have a list of criteria but it includes an adult size of at least 15 tall and an adult weight of less than 75 pounds. The minimum height is because we're active and I want a dog that can fully participate. The maximum weight is because our vehicle is a tall truck and I am considering how I would put an injured or elderly dog into it. I can't lift more than 75 pounds high enough to put it on the backseat so that's the reason for my upper weight limit.

In my experience, many small dogs are easily frightened, neurotic, fearfully aggressive, or yappy. I think some of that may be due to the breeds I have interacted with or owners who indulge them instead of training them but I would prefer to avoid it anyway.

Posted : 30/05/2016 3:46 pm
Posts: 26
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I love the size and look of my bigger dog. I think it's great they can easily protect their self. If I was going to have an outside dog that ran free it would be larger in size. I also have a small dog! She is cute, cuddly, and it's much harder for her to trample me. My favorite thing about my small dog is the money I save! My big dog eats a bag of dog food a week. My small dog eats a bag a month. Not that I mind paying for more dog, but it's definitely a big price difference. I like to think one big dog and one little is a perfect pair.

Posted : 30/05/2016 8:03 pm
Posts: 28
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My dog is small and I couldn't be happier with her. She doesn't eat a lot. Her poop is bio-degradable. She's easy to pack for camping trips. Easy to wash. Easily fits in my lap. Barks loud and warns us if someone is at the door. She's not stronger than I am. She doesn't take up a lot of space in the bed or anywhere else. The one thing I can think of that a big dog would be better for is, it would be a great hiking companion.
life is good...

Posted : 30/05/2016 8:53 pm
Posts: 10
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I prefer small dogs as I love having my pet when I am going to the beach or going shopping, just to keep my company. They are much easier manage for me. I always have Alexis in my shoulder bag and he is always so well behaved. When I am going in the supermarket he would just relax and keep quiet in the bag until I reach the cashier.

Posted : 01/06/2016 3:11 am
Posts: 38
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I prefer medium sizes, very balanced dog (añthough some breeds are quite difficult). Small dog breeds are easier to maintain but don't like them too tiny because they can be hard to find sometimes without a bell attached to their collar. Bigger dog breeds leave crap almost the size of a horse or cow's dung, and are harder to seize when they got frantic or restless. I remember when a friend of mine as a skinny child tried several to take his huge rottweiler for a walk. The dog pulled my friend instead of him pulling it 😀

Posted : 01/06/2016 9:33 am
Posts: 49
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My pup is a bit smaller, like a big small dog or a small medium dog. Chihuahua and boxer stray mix - I personally like big dogs, but he was a rescue pup and taught me to love little dogs cuz he's just this little bromachine that always wants to hang out 🙂

Posted : 01/06/2016 9:47 am
Posts: 10
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I personally like smaller dogs better because it's very convenient especially during out-of-town trips. I also think that smaller dogs are much easier to handle and train. However, there's always this tendency of them getting injured because of minor things. Owners of small dogs should always be extra careful when it comes to this.

Posted : 01/06/2016 10:04 am
Posts: 10
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I prefer big dogs for security reasons, and they also don't run around as much, bark as much, and "shake" nervously, like the smaller ones do all the time. I love having just a big dog lying down near my feet, and then bark when there's a stranger at the door. That's more security than a security camera, and I sleep better at night with a big dog guarding my home.

Posted : 01/06/2016 5:32 pm
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