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How many times a day do you walk your dog?

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Posts: 25
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I know of people who only walk their dog twice a day (in the morning and before going to sleep), but some others will go out with them several times a day, especially when bigger dogs are involved.
How about you? Do you respect your duty and take him/her out every time he/she wants to, or do you just let it go when you don't feel like going out?

Posted : 22/03/2016 10:06 am
Posts: 49
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I take him out to the park all the time, it's his own private backyard. It's real close by, as in under a 2 or 3 minute walk - would be faster if it wasn't for a bunch of stuff we gotta go around. We go for walks all the time, primarily so that he knows which way is which and how to find his way back home in case he ever makes a break for it.

Posted : 22/03/2016 11:53 am
Posts: 25
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It depends on the day. Usually at least five to seven times per day if we're talking about weekdays but on weekends I may end up taking her out even more. I'm also the type to take her out when she feels like it. It's hard to live in a small apartment, not being let out that many times per day. Dogs like to be outside and I've noticed that my dog feels way better when she can be out more.

Posted : 22/03/2016 12:49 pm
Benoit W
Posts: 26
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I mаy hаvе а biаsеd sаmplе but I аm сurrеntly undеr thе imprеssiоn thаt thе mаjоrity оf dоg оwnеrs dо nоt plасе а signifiсаnt аmоunt оf еffоrt intо соnsistеntly еxеrсising thеir dоgs. Еspесiаlly if thеrе is а bасk yаrd аvаilаblе.

Аs fаr аs pеоplе nоtiсing - if yоu'rе in а rоutinе оf wаlking аt thе sаmе timе еvеrydаy pеоplе will nоtiсе. Hаhа. I'm tеrriblе Аt fасiаl rесоgnitiоn (еspесiаlly if I dоn't KNОW yоu) but I wаlk а similаr rоutе with my dоg mоst mоrnings аnd I nоtiсе pеоplе sаy hi likе thеy sее mе rеgulаrly.

I dо nоt hаvе а bасkyаrd еithеr аnd livе in аn аpаrtmеnt - dоg usuаlly gеts а 30-40 minutе wаlk in thе mоrning аnd 40-60 min аt night. Thе dоg wаlkеr соmеs 2x а wееk fоr 20 min mid dаy аnd оnсе а wееk hе gоеs tо dаy саrе sо wаlks аrе сut in hаlf. Dоg is hаppy аnd nоn-dеstruсtivе sо I аm hаppy 🙂

Posted : 22/03/2016 1:18 pm
Posts: 15
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I don't have a yard so walks are the only time my dogs have a chance to pee/poop. So it is not just for their entertainment that they go out 4 times a day. 3 times with me and once with a paid walker. But they are certainly getting much longer walks now that spring is here! We all enjoy it more when the weather is nice and our asses are not being frozen off.

Posted : 22/03/2016 3:40 pm
Posts: 5
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Wow, I feel awful reading this thread; I rarely ever took my dog out for walks. She always seemed a bit depressed but I can imagine why. I wouldn't want to be stuck in a house all day just sitting around. In the future, I think I'll take my dog out a bit more.

Posted : 22/03/2016 4:01 pm
Posts: 87
Estimable Member

I walk my dogs once a day for an hour or longer depending on the weather. So that's just alternating between running, jogging, and a quick walk. In the afternoon, I usually work in the garden or outside, where we go for a walk. It's not really exercise because they just meander around and occasionally make me throw a stick. But I don't walk them when it rains or the cement is slick because I don't want them to fall and hurt themselves.

Posted : 22/03/2016 6:21 pm
Posts: 18
Eminent Member

Wow, I feel awful reading this thread; I rarely ever took my dog out for walks. She always seemed a bit depressed but I can imagine why. I wouldn't want to be stuck in a house all day just sitting around. In the future, I think I'll take my dog out a bit more.

Yeah, me too, I rarely take my dog out. I let my brothers do it most of the time. I respect my duties on other aspects though. I am the one giving him bath and food. But of course, that doesn't justify my not taking him out. Yes, it doesn't. I think I'll take him out for a walk right now.

Posted : 22/03/2016 9:44 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

My dogs have a big yard yet we walk them 2 times every day, the morning walk is mandatory, we miss the night walk once in a while but only if we are extremely busy or the wheatear is horrible.

By the way, how many times you walk your dogs is only half the equation, your walks should last over half an hour, preferably 45 minutes to the whole hour, for a dog, a 15 minutes walk is not really a walk, unless they are simply going outside to relieve themselves.

Posted : 22/03/2016 10:57 pm
Posts: 42
Trusted Member

I walk him 4-5 times a day during the and more during the weekend. It would probably be less if we had a backyard, but I live in a high rise apartment so we have to.
He is a very active dog and walks with me to class which is 20 minutes walk, then my boyfriend walks him back usually taking a long route through campus. During lunch, he joins us at the campus park and runs around while we eat.
Dinner, depends on who is cooking, either me and my boyfriend take him out for a run.
When it snows, he goes with my boyfriend to gym (it is a small gym and the owners mind) and he uses the treadmill. He's a smart dog so he runs on it.

Posted : 22/03/2016 11:22 pm
Posts: 109
Estimable Member

I take him out once a day to play fetch for about 15 minutes, or whenever he quits. I do think that it is important for him to get his exercise in.

These past two weeks were hard though since we had rain and snow. He has short hair, and he doesn't like to go outside in the rain or when it is too cold, unless he can't hold it anymore.

Posted : 17/05/2016 2:39 am
Posts: 12
Active Member

I take both dogs out for frequent mini-walks throughout the day, but we only do one long, dedicated walk per day per dog. They walk at completely different paces; Jack likes to meander along and investigate everything while Zero wants to get wherever we're going at a brisk pace, so I mostly walk them separately. .

Jack gets about a 30 minute stroll with a really brisk "burst" in the middle to get him moving. Zero and I go for a jog, which consists of me jogging as fast and far as I can in intervals, with periods of walking in between. They go on shared walks sometimes, but Zero gets bored and Jack doesn't get to stop and sniff as much as he likes, so those are pretty infrequent.

They spend a lot of time play-wrestling and chasing each other around every day, so that helps with keeping them exercised and engaged, but I really enjoy the one-on-one time we get on our walks, so they're as much fun for me as they are for the dogs.

Posted : 17/05/2016 2:49 am
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

I try to make it at least twice a week, mostly during the weekends. If I have time during weekdays, then I will spare some time to bring her for a walk. I usually go jogging with her by my side and it is a good way to bond. I believe dogs are active creatures by nature so I think jogging together with her will make her happy, and me too.

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Posted : 17/05/2016 2:50 am
Posts: 15
Active Member

First thing in the morning and right before sleep is a must - and a few in between. If the weather is bad, a quick visit outdoors is all that's needed (my dogs hate getting their paws wet), but if it's a very nice day (and especially if it's the weekend), several walks during the day are a must!

It also helps to have a yard, because the dogs can run around outside and chase squirrels without the need for my involvement. Otherwise it can become almost a part-time job to make sure the dogs are walked and tired out before bed 🙂

Posted : 17/05/2016 4:31 am
Posts: 4
New Member

I walk my dog four times a day most often. I base when to walk her on her needs. She's pretty well trained to go sit in front of the door when she needs to go out. Of course, the first time is right upon waking up. The last time is around 8:00 p.m. I'm pretty good about sticking with the schedule that we've established.

It's easy for us to go for a walk because we live in the country and have plenty of land. She loves being outside, and she doesn't get easily distracted.

Posted : 17/05/2016 8:32 am
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