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Does your dog behave?

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I have two playful dogs that are really active throughout the day, when they were little it was impossible for me to make them behave. They used to scratch and bite everything they got their paws on or eat leftover food, but they grew up learning what they shouldn't do with time.
Nowadays they rarely do things they're not supposed to do (they're 3 and 9 years old respectively), but back when they were little it was impossible to train them.

Posted : 01/06/2016 10:34 am
Posts: 5
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I am not quite sure if my dog behaves. When he enters the house, he starts a little wild. However, he does not damage or break anything. He just goes around wanting his head to be scratched. I do obey him and start to scratch his head. After a minute or so, he goes to the main door to see if it opens. There, he starts barking. Rince and repeat. I keep him at my backyard. There, I have a big tree, grass, flowers and the stuff he uses. I think he is tired of the same spots and wants more. I do take him for a walk every morning.

Posted : 01/06/2016 11:09 am
Posts: 87
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I don't judge puppies the same way I judge dogs because puppies need to play to learn basic biological functions like balance. So there are some things that I would tolerate from a puppy that needs to learn how to be a dog. My current dogs are well behaved, they are teenagers but they understand sitting and not tugging on the leash. My little brother's dog is a little more hyper so on the days where it's rainy and I don't want to walk them, he will lay on you with a leash in his mouth. He still thinks he's a puppy but other than that, they are good quite dogs that rarely bark and almost never growl.

Posted : 01/06/2016 12:34 pm
Posts: 28
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My dog is very well behaved and hardly ever does anything bad. She is a pure joy to have a around. However, when she was a puppy, she ate my Dad's hearing aids. Now that was bad!
life is good...

Posted : 01/06/2016 6:14 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

I have a pretty wild and active shi tzu mix that rarely behaves in front of guests and neighbors. It's exhausting to always be carrying this small dog in my arms just so those scaredy-cats won't get anxious. I have a Belgian that's 7-years old now, he's kind of old so he isn't as hyper active as my other dos and he just chills at my couch like my dad after work.

Posted : 01/06/2016 11:15 pm
Posts: 109
Estimable Member

I believe in general, my dog behaves very well until someone entered the house. He just gets so excited and jumps on them trying to kiss them. It is a behavior that I love to break since not all visitor likes to be clicked on the face. He calms down after the initial first 10 minutes though.

Posted : 02/06/2016 12:54 am
Posts: 16
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My dog is extremely well behaved now, though he hasn't always been. There were times when he was still young (though not a tiny puppy) that he would find and eat things that really shouldn't have been eaten, and he has a dodgy stomach anyway so it always made him vomit. The things he ate weren't even food, they were things like books and cordless home phones, small items of clothing, hair bobbles, etc. He wasn't starving, he's just a very greedy dog who didn't seem to know the difference between food and other inanimate objects. Nowadays he doesn't do that anymore luckily.

Posted : 02/06/2016 1:29 am
Posts: 16
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I assume we're not talking about puppies but about the grow up dogs. In this case mine is pretty well behaved. He had some training and now he knows what he can and can not do. We don't really have any problems with him while at home. He can get a bit carried away on the streets and starts barking aggressively sometimes. But that's when he sees some other dogs.

Posted : 02/06/2016 1:35 am
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

My girl does behave. She's 2, which is still a little young but she's never chewed on or destroyed anything she wasn't supposed to. I don't know if it's because we gave her an abundance of chew toys and she did go to obedience class so that probably helped quite a bit. She's quite a joy to have around. We're also really laid-back and calm people so that might help in her being that was as well. When she's outside she lets loose but once inside she's calm and collected.

Posted : 02/06/2016 2:54 am
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

My dog is pretty well behaved, he doesn't chew on anything so the furniture is all ok. He isn't a fan of other dogs though and can get quite aggressive but I think he will always be like that. As he is small we just pick him up when there is another dog around to avoid a confrontation.

Posted : 02/06/2016 5:35 am
Posts: 62
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Dogs have differing personalities and proclivities just like us. The easiest time to train a pet is during puppy stage. There is a young dog in our home that hangs on my trousers smearing me with mud. The best approach is to discourage negative behaviour rather than punishment. At other times, you can use positive reinforcement based on rewards.

Posted : 02/06/2016 7:13 am
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Hmmm... I guess most of our dogs are well-behaved except for one. She's the snobby and mischievous type. She was abused though before by one of our maids so that's probably why she became this way. Back then, she was very friendly and allows anyone to pet her. But after she was mistreated by this lady, she started growling at anyone who attempts to touch her. And she has also bitten lots of strangers who come into our house.

She is mostly well-behaved. But there are days that she poops inside the house and pees as well. It's the most frustrating when she pees upstairs and when we wake up, we'd accidentally step into her pee. She pees upstairs so no one can see her but it's a fail because hey, we're upstairs. Lol.

There are also days that she won't follow whenever we tell her to go outside to do her business. She's stubborn like that. And she doesn't drink as much water as well. We'd have to force her at times.

Posted : 02/06/2016 7:20 am
Posts: 37
Eminent Member

I think that "bad" behavior it's a pretty common thing, specially when it comes to puppies. My biggest dog were just like this, he used to jump on our table and actually eat the food from there, it was really annoying. But I think that he learned that those thing shouldn't be done, I guess, and he's just a little angel now. I haven't had any problems like this with my two other dogs, but we adopted them when they weren't puppies anymore so, I guess that it has to do a lot with that aspect.

Posted : 02/06/2016 8:42 am
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

My dog is cheeky and sometimes likes to put objects in his mouth. I've spent lots of time chasing him around the house to get things like slippers out of his mouth. I think he does it because he feels it is fun to be chased around and force me into a little game.

Posted : 07/08/2016 2:07 am
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

My dog is cheeky and sometimes likes to put objects in his mouth. I've spent lots of time chasing him around the house to get things like slippers out of his mouth. I think he does it because he feels it is fun to be chased around and force me into a little game.

Posted : 07/08/2016 2:19 am
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