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Eminent Member
Joined: Mar 12, 2016
Last seen: Aug 7, 2016
Topics: 1 / Replies: 42
Organic Food

Well I would say that in general it is probably best not to base your decision on what rappers do, but in this case he certainly has his head in the r...

9 years ago

Well we have not really reached the point where we can recommend specific brands or anything, but it seems that any company that makes colorful balls ...

9 years ago
Do your dogs likes to swim?

Well we have not really had the opportunity to do too much swimming with our dog, but all sign point to him loving it. He is not the greatest swimmer...

9 years ago
Dogs and babies/young children

Well I consider myself to be very lucky here. Our dog is really really good with our son, who is three years old, and I can already tell that they ar...

9 years ago
Does your dog behave?

Well I would like to think that my little friend is pretty obedient, but it is really only with certain things that really responds the way that we wo...

9 years ago
My dog almost didn't make it

Well that certainly sounds like a tough way to be brought into the world, but of course that is great that he is alive and big. Sometimes overcoming ...

9 years ago
Hоw dо yоu tеасh аn оld dоg nеw triсks?

Well I am not sure if you are being philosophical or if you are just asking a basic question about dogs, but I will respond to the latter (I am mostly...

9 years ago
A warm sweater for winter

Well I have never been someone to dress up my pet, but I did know that when I was starting out the relationship that I am now in, it might have to be ...

9 years ago
No-biting training?

Well I have to be honest this is the first that I have heard of "herding", but I guess that makes sense. I know our little guy went through a phase l...

9 years ago
Fetch Training?

Well I know that there are service dogs out there that can do many of these functions for their owners. It is really remarkable when you think about ...

9 years ago
Coyotes In The City

Well that is certainly a little alarming for anyone with pets in the area. I guess I have to consider myself pretty lucky in that the area where I li...

9 years ago
Neighbor's Big Dog

Yeah I would have to agree with [USER=142]@Belovedad[/USER] and just consider yourself quite lucky that he is going to be moving in the near future. ...

9 years ago
Being brave

Well you have to prove your worth out there in the real world. You gotta let people (or dogs) know that you are here and ready to compete (play) in t...

9 years ago
Loca Can't Fecking Run

Well I do not think that there is ever a time when I do not appreciate a good puppy video, so thank you for sharing this. It might dangerous that you ...

9 years ago
Do you let your dog off the lead in public places?

Not usually. I guess it depends on how public the place is, because if it is a public park but nobody is there I will let the little guy roam free fo...

9 years ago
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