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Lisa Davis
Lisa Davis
Eminent Member
Joined: May 17, 2016
Last seen: Aug 7, 2016
Topics: 4 / Replies: 28
Indoor pond

I know people that have indoor ponds. Most of the time the dogs will attempt to take a drink now and again, but for the most part, they have been tra...

9 years ago

I have not personally tried this, but I have had lots of actual real live plants in aquariums I have owned before and it does not seem to help with th...

9 years ago
Are some breeds better than others for a first-time dog owner?

I think Labs and Golden Retrievers are a pretty easy first breed. They don't have very many breed-specific problems. They are pretty easy going. Th...

9 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 923
Favourite toys?

My dog destroys any toy. I buy Kong brand of toys. I do this because it is the only toy brand he hasn't figured out how to destroy. I was literally...

9 years ago
How many dogs is an ample amount?

I've had as many as three dogs at once. It's nice because they play together, but honestly, I like only having one. I take immaculate care of my dog...

9 years ago
Do you let your dog off the lead in public places?

Even if your dog is well-behaved, you can't control the behavior of other dogs and other people. Therefore, for my dog's protection and safety, I ten...

9 years ago
My dog pisses himself everytime my girlfriend come over

I have never heard of the urination as a result, but I know tons of dog owners that have problems between their dog and their significant other, parti...

9 years ago
A puppy with problems

I have heard of this type of behavior before, but perhaps not as extreme of a case. Usually, I was told that the calm dog is sort of an "Alpha Dog" f...

9 years ago
Do you pay someone to do it?

We bathe our dog ourselves, but he is a short-haired Beagle. However, my dad does take him to get his nails clipped because he is scared that he may ...

9 years ago
Pet insurance

My dad has a fairly comfortable savings account so I don't think he's ever considered purchasing pet insurance, even though it is available where we l...

9 years ago
our unfortunate loss.

When my first dog, Sam, died, it was tragic for me, too. Sam and I were actually born on the exact same day! A friend of my father's bred black labs...

9 years ago
homemade treats to keep your outside dog cool!

I actually make regular homemade dog biscuits for my Beagle. We have an appliance that looks much like a sandwich maker or a George Foreman grill. T...

9 years ago
Why dо dоgs аlwаys wаnt tо еаt whаt yоu аrе hаving instеаd оf еаting thеir оwn fооd? Is dоg fооd rеа

I can only speak for my dog, Petey, but I feel like he feels like he is a part of our "pack" and just wants to enjoy everything we enjoy. He even sit...

9 years ago
What's your dog's favorite toy?

Petey, our beloved Beagle, loves tennis balls and racquetballs, but demolishes them. We bought him a Kong. It's virtually indestructible, comes in d...

9 years ago
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