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Eminent Member
Joined: Oct 9, 2022
Last seen: Sep 10, 2024
Topics: 3 / Replies: 24
RE: What dog breed would you never own?

It is definitely going to be pitbulls that I would never be interested in keeping as a pet. It doesn't matter how good those who are keeping it say th...

3 months ago
RE: Do you support pitbulls to be banned?

Yes, I am very well in support of banning pitbulls because they are a breed of dog which is mixed. They are not safe to be around people. They are too...

3 months ago
RE: How often do you take your dog for a walk?

I don't think this place looks like a dating website where you are going to come and start asking this kind of question. It is a pet site where you t...

3 months ago
RE: Dog Parkour

Personally, I don't see any reason why I should do something like this with my dog. Yeah, I get it takes a lot of training for them to master it but w...

1 year ago
RE: Running Dogs

Don't try for over push them is what I would suggest for you. If they are no longer feeling it, don't make them run. Also try and observe them when th...

2 years ago
RE: Does Dog Feels jealousy?

Even my cats are always very jealous whenever I carry one of them and leave the others without carrying them at the same time. It's also equivalent to...

2 years ago
RE: How many dogs is an ample amount?

Personally for me, no matter how much I love dogs, I can't have more than two dogs. This is because I can only be able to take care of two dogs very w...

2 years ago
RE: Does having a dog make a difference in your life?

I have been so attached to my dogs that it's going to be a very sad life for me without having him in my life. I have been betrayed by a lot of people...

2 years ago
RE: Creepy Pets

It's not even ordinary snake that my friend had but a python. This is a kind of snake that's capable of swallowing a human a whole and crush your bone...

2 years ago
RE: Dancing dog

Dogs are capable of doing that very well. What they are used to seeing is always going to be very easy for them to imitate. I watched a dog jumping...

2 years ago
RE: Dogs and Waste

Dogs will always be dogs and that can never change. I used a special trainer to get my dogs know how pick up stuffs and trash them. They poo where the...

2 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 427
RE: Certain areas of the home?

My dog isn't allowed in my kitchen. I don't like it when anyone messes up my kitchen because I love it very neat and well tidy up.

2 years ago
RE: Holidays

I doubt if my dog knows any difference about holidays. The only thing I'm very sure he knows is that there are days he gets to eat more than the usual...

2 years ago
RE: Do you let your dog off the lead in public places?

It depends on the place we are outdoor that's going to determine if I would let my dog off his leash. I wouldn't want to cause any scene in the public...

2 years ago
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