New Member
Joined: Feb 10, 2018
Last seen: Feb 11, 2018
Last seen: Feb 11, 2018
Do you feed stray dogs?
Our neighborhood has many stray dogs ,I do provide food for the ones that come to my house. Some dogs come and go through my trash in search of food a...
7 years ago
Favourite Dog Movies or Books
My favorite dog movie will have to be Robo-dog, its about a dog which is a scientist's invention. It looks like a normal dog but its a robot with spec...
7 years ago
Quotes about Dogs
"There are three faithful friends, an old dog, an old wife and ready money." This is my favorite quote about dogs, it makes sense and we can all rela...
7 years ago
A snake for a pet
I know there are people who have snakes as pets but I don't think its a good idea. Although it may depend on the type of snake you want, some are cute...
7 years ago