Last seen: Jun 20, 2018
This is Banjo from his grooming appointment back in the Spring! I love the groomer we take him to, they always have a cute background set up for the p...
We have both a dog and a cat. Our dog is two and a half, and our cat is almost 5 years old. Right now they get along like the best of friends - they n...
A dog that I used to think was really cute when I was younger (and that I really wanted) was the Shar Pei breed. They are the ones with the rolly look...
Banjo gets a walk both morning and night. His night time walk is usually longer than his morning one - we tend to all go out as a family in the evenin...
I don't take our dog off the leash unless we are somewhere that it is explicitly okay, like at our local dog park. Anywhere else though, he's on a lea...