We always take our dog in bathe once a week. It not just making our dog clean and smells good it also make our dog healthy because our place is in tropical and its always hot here. To make my dog looks good everyday i always brush his hair and sometimes cutting the hair that is blocking his sight.
For me I often groom my dogs it depends if the dog is furry or not. Because if it has more furry then it attracts more dirt and it should often make a groom. It takes one bathe in a month to obtain my dog's clean and fresh. Taking the dog to groom makes him healthy and avoids it from getting sick and health problems. And it great to hug them for a long time because they are free from flies.
I really want to cut the hair that's going over my dog's eyes but he won't let me. Even if I wait until he is asleep and sneak up on him, he wakes up immediately. I will be taking him to a groomer's as soon as lockdown is over.
Everything depends on the kind dog breed that you have. If your dog is very furry, you will need to have them groomed more often. That's not the case with my dog. I groom him once in a month.
I bath my dog twice weekly but take her for a proper grooming once every two weeks .
My dog doesn't shed too often, so it makes it easier for me not to be in need to have him groomed often. As a result of that, I only have him groomed once every 2 months when it becomes obvious he needs it.
To avoid or prevent infections, I bath her every 2-3 weeks. Sometimes we can go to a professional pet groomer to check and wash her properly. They can even help in trimming her feet. Thankfully, I haven't perceived any odour so far from her because we are keeping her too clean.
I always make out time to groom my dogs whenever it is time and due for me to do it. It doesn't matter if it is every week or bi-weekly, I will always endeavor to do it and make them look good.