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Favourite toys?

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Does your dog have any favourite toys, or are there any you could recommend?

Despite the username, the current favourite toy is a completely chewed-up ball. Sadly, it's a favourite for both of them, which results in disagreements. They couldn't even settle it by tearing bits off as they both wanted the big half, and the remains of it are now in a cupboard out of reach. So I've tried new balls, but they both want that specific one and not a replacement. Frisbees are only of interest for a little while, and then they get bored. So are there any toys you could recommend, especially anything that they can play together with? It needs to be rather robust, as you might have guessed!

Posted : 22/03/2016 2:00 am
Posts: 14
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My dog's favorite toy is this little raccoon one. It has two different squeakers in it. I think he likes it because it looks more realistic than other toys. I'm pretty sure they come in bigger sizes, if your dogs are bigger. There are also tons of other realistic toys out there, especially for bigger dogs.

I also bought him a big Winnie the Pooh plush from Goodwill for cheap. It's twice as big as him, but he loves to drag it around the house and attack it. My sister has a labradoodle who also loves cheap, big plushies from Goodwill. They don't squeak, of course. But they're so big and cheap you might as well see if they take an interest.

I personally don't have kongs for my chi, but growing up my family had miniature pinschers who loved kongs. They're pretty much one of the most indestructible and popular toys out there, and you can buy treats to fill them with at nearly every pet store.

Ropes are also really cheap and great for tug-o-war, of course. My dog's never taken an interest in tug-o-war though, sadly.

Posted : 22/03/2016 2:13 pm
Posts: 2
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My dogs absolutely love cloth-covered squeaky toys. Unfortunately, out outdoor lab comes inside and rips the toys apart in less than five minutes. Only one toy has survived his wrath: a Ty pumpkin ball which was purchased about three years ago. My dogs still love that toy, and it has withstood Shilo abuse. It was the best purchase I have made.

Posted : 22/03/2016 4:45 pm
Posts: 9
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My border collie's favorite toys are her purple plastic dumbbell thing and her frisbee. The purple toy is for all the time while the frisbee's a special toy to breakout when we go out to play in the front yard. My two other dogs, both black lab puppies, absolutely love their deer antlers and two latex bones that are scented to smell like bacon. They basically love any toy that makes a lot of noise and is easily chewed on. They completely destroy any cloth toy that you give them. None of those toys last longer than a few days before they rip and they play with the stuffing. I've sewed up quite a few of those toys, but eventually you just have to give up and buy stronger stuff.

Posted : 22/03/2016 4:49 pm
Posts: 87
Estimable Member

My dogs haven't found a favorite toy out of the ten I've randomly bought for them from Petco. They play with them for a couple minutes and then ignore them. So probably sticks. They will always pick a stick out of the garden they want me to throw it. After they are bored with fetching it, they gnaw on them, and then abandon them.

Posted : 22/03/2016 5:29 pm
Posts: 30
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Right now my dog loves an old t-shirt that he plays tug-o-war with. He loves to just pull it and I feel better letting him rip that up than giving him a rope that might hurt his gums or something that might do some damage to his teeth. He also has a squeaky toy that is shaped like a squirrel that he goes absolutely nuts for!

Posted : 22/03/2016 6:24 pm
Posts: 34
Eminent Member

The kitchen broom, I can't really explain it but he goes crazy over it. He has some stuffed toys but will only play with them if he can't get hold of the broom. He will drag it around by the bristles, fortunately he is small so he can't drag it very far.

Posted : 23/03/2016 1:08 am
Posts: 25
Eminent Member

My dog likes this ball that is made out of soft material that she can chew on without being afraid it will destroy her teeth. I don't really know why but she likes to chew on soft materials, especially those type of fabrics we just leave to lay around the house. She always claims them as her own and then destroys them, giving me those puppy eyes like saying sorry what she had done.

Posted : 23/03/2016 1:20 am
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Our dogs love our slippers, lol. They like chewing on them or maybe even hiding them. We usually have our slippers hidden since they can really destroy it. On the other hand, whenever we give them toys, they want what the other dog has. So even if we give them two toys to play with, one for each other, they would still argue about one toy and fight for it. They are really competitive that way and that's why we tend to avoid toys nowadays. We have enough fighting even without toys.

Posted : 23/03/2016 11:50 am
Posts: 35
Eminent Member

My dog likes this old Domo doll I used to have on my desk at work. I brought it home to put in my home office but Butters claimed it as his and that was that. It looks something like this one.

My friend has a bigger dog, she takes the dog to the park a lot and uses this gizmo called The Chuckit! Ball Launcher.

It throws a tennis ball really far and the dog just goes crazy running after it. I don't play like that out doors with my dog, but her dog loves it - I get a kick out of watching.

Posted : 23/03/2016 12:44 pm
Posts: 18
Eminent Member


My dogs haven't found a favorite toy out of the ten I've randomly bought for them from Petco. They play with them for a couple minutes and then ignore them. So probably sticks. They will always pick a stick out of the garden they want me to throw it. After they are bored with fetching it, they gnaw on them, and then abandon them.

That's exactly how my dog is, I used to buy a lot of toy's for my dog just trying to figure out what he liked the most. Turns out he rather pay with a stick from the backyard. Also likes to play with the broom pretending like he's cleaning, so I would say he definiely has a thing for sticks.

Posted : 23/03/2016 1:41 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

My Butterfly top dog loved destroying and gutting soft fabric toys. I don't think the fluff interested her as much as the empty fabric and getting out the squeakers. I think it was a superiority and wolfish hunting thing with her. My lab didn't really have a chance to play with toys, as she arrived at nine months old and the top dog stole all the toys all the time. You have no idea how many rawhide chewies we went through! I finally wised up and got the lab larger ones that the smaller top dog couldn't get her mouth around. Though, mind you, she certainly made a good effort at it! I can't remember now, as it's been quite a long while, which toys my Cocker and Chihuahua favored. My Chow and Lab just loved to run along the fence with the neighbor dog more than anything.

Posted : 29/03/2016 11:13 pm
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

Does your dog have any favourite toys, or are there any you could recommend?

My dogs have always been the kind to prefer sticks and dead things over toys. Of course, living in the sticks of NJ doesn't help when it comes to deterring that... Still, many of them play with squeaker toys for a while. My one German Shepherd, Jessie, had a squeaker bone that lasted for years. She loved playing fetch with it. Then my Great Pyrenees, Rufio, had a nerf ball that was super reinforced to prevent him from destroying it. His jaws are incredible, so I have to be careful with what I give him.

Still, nothing seems more entertaining for a dog than a good stick. I don't understand the appeal, haha.

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Posted : 15/05/2016 4:26 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

My dog loves baby toys! Soft baby toys that are tough enough for him to chew and gnaw up. They usually only last a few weeks before becoming mangled up but he still loves them. Once they get too overused, I add in a new toy to their collection and let him get used to it. Then I sneakily remove his old toy, but keep it for a few days before throwing it out, just in case he acts up and wants it back.

Posted : 07/08/2016 3:08 am
Lisa Davis
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

My dog destroys any toy. I buy Kong brand of toys. I do this because it is the only toy brand he hasn't figured out how to destroy. I was literally buying multiple toys a month. He's a Beagle and it is so funny to see how protective he is of his toys.

Posted : 07/08/2016 8:04 am
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