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Trusted Member
Joined: Mar 22, 2016
Last seen: Aug 8, 2016
Topics: 12 / Replies: 50
Did you rescue your dog? What organization did you use?

I have never adopted a rescued dog though I would gladly do it. I came close to rescuing and owning a stray puppy once. It looked confused and apprehe...

9 years ago
Do your dogs likes to swim?

An good example of a dog that loves and is actually adapted for swimming is the spaniel. It even has a shiny coat and water does not wet it. I live in...

9 years ago
Dog vaccination schedule

Most pet owners concentrate on other diseases of pets and forget to vaccinate them. This is quite a good guide and a conscientious pet owner should pr...

9 years ago
My 3 dogs - Tisoy, Pipoy, Barbie

I admire the three dogs especially the one at the centre. He looks funny and playful. They are all white in colour and white is the colour of a perfec...

9 years ago
Separation Anxiety

I remember one dog that used to follow me for long distances in the morning when I was going to work. He was young and was curious to know where I wen...

9 years ago
Pоpulаr quеstiоn:Why dо my dоgs grооm еасh оthеr?

Dogs are very intelligent animals and they possess the quality of empathy. Dogs experience discomfort when they are clogged with dirt or flea infestat...

9 years ago
Dog gets into trash

Dogs are naturally scavengers. I presume startling is not the best method. Dogs learn best by conditioning their responses to external stimuli. You ca...

9 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 797
Replies: 1
Views: 827
What are some simple tricks you should teach first?

One nice trick to teach a dog is meal time awareness. Like the Russian scientist Pavlov, you can condition them when to expect a meal by ringing a bel...

9 years ago
Best Kid-Friendly Dogs

Adopting a dog is like choosing a brand new family member. A family dog should be patient, resilient, energetic ( to keep up with kids), intelligent a...

9 years ago
How to Keep your Dog Smelling Fresh.

Animals have body odours and scents just like us humans. If the scent is natural and not been caused by an infection or a foul smelling substance, I t...

9 years ago
Crufts controversy

Some things are right some of the time but not all things are wrong all the time. On the face of it, there is a conflict of interests. The judge's sis...

9 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1133
Why dо dоgs аlwаys wаnt tо еаt whаt yоu аrе hаving instеаd оf еаting thеir оwn fооd? Is dоg fооd rеа

Dogs look up to their masters. Due to their trusting nature, they have that innate feeling that something better or tastier is cooking in your plate. ...

9 years ago
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