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Hоw dо I сlip my pu...
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Hоw dо I сlip my puppy's nаils withоut hurting it?

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Benoit W
Posts: 26
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Pоpulаr quеstiоn: Hоw dо I сlip my puppy's nаils withоut hurting it?
In thе саsе оf а smаll dоg likе yоurs, thе diаgrаm shоwn by Susаn is whаt yоu саn dо.

Fоr thоsе оf us with big dоgs, pаrtiсulаrly if thеir nаils аrе оvеr-lоng, sliding а сlippеr tо thе prоpеr pоsitiоn аnd squееzing hаrd саn саusе nаils tо split if yоur сlippеr isn't prоfеssiоnаl grаdе. If thе nаils аrе dаrk sееing thе vеin саn bе hаrd tо dо.

I finаlly lеаrnеd thаt yоu dоn't hаvе tо сut а dоg's nаils in оnе fеll swооp. Аll thе imаgеs, inсluding thе оnе Susаn shоws sееm tо imply thаt yоu must find yоur tаrgеt аnd thеn сut. Асtuаlly it is pоssiblе tо wоrk аt аn аnglе, snipping а slivеr оff thе tоp оf thе nаil, thеn thе sidеs аnd bоttоm inсrеmеntаlly gеtting сlоsеr tо thе quiсk. If yоu dо this, yоu will bе аblе tо sее thе nаil сhаngе аs yоu gеt сlоsеr tо thе vеin аnd yоu саn stоp аnd аllоw it tо rесеdе аs shоwn in thе sесоnd piсturе.

Posted : 23/03/2016 4:02 am
Posts: 37
Trusted Member

I cut my dogs nails when I start to hear them hitting the tiles in the living room. I don't go by sight. If I hear them hitting the tiles then it's time for a slight trim. You don't have to take it all off in a single cut. I just take a small part and that's it. I use to try to do it in big chunks and would actually hurt my dog. So best to just go slow.

Posted : 23/03/2016 9:57 am
Posts: 8
Active Member

You can cut just small bits off at a time, you'll know you're getting close to the 'quick' (blood/vein) when you start seeing a small dot in the center of where you trimmed. Before you cut your dogs' nails make sure you have quick stopper, they sell it at pet stores, it's to help stop the blood if you cut too far.

-Remember that the more frequent you trim your dogs' nails the more the quick will be pushed back.

Posted : 23/03/2016 10:28 am
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

I find that clipping off the nail little by little or even just filing it helps to shorten it in the long run. Here's what I do:

  • Determine where the blood supply is in the nail. Make sure not to cut beyond that.
  • Trim off a little part of the nail every three days. This can ensure that the blood supply will get shorter as days pass and eventually, the nail won't have such a long blood supply.
  • Then, after a few weeks or months, you can eventually cut off the nail a little bit longer without it bleeding because the blood supply has receded.
Posted : 23/03/2016 11:41 am
Posts: 15
Active Member

Um, are you posting this from somewhere else because it is clearly referencing a person and pictures that are not here. In which case even if you are allowed to copy the material, it is polite to link to the source.

FWIW nail clipping will often cause some small degree of discomfort even when you are quite adept at it. Giving praise and rewards will help a dog overlook that. And if you aren't comfortable doing it yourself a 4-5 weekly trip to a groomer or vet will also get the job done.

Posted : 23/03/2016 1:20 pm
Posts: 109
Estimable Member

I didn't see the diagram or the picture! But clipping the puppy's nails for me wasn't easy at first! It took me and my son to get the job done over a period of three days. My son held the dog with a treat and let him nippling on it, while I quickly cut a short piece of his nail off. He didn't pay attention to what I was doing since he was too busy with his treat.

Posted : 24/03/2016 12:21 am
Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Was this copied from somewhere? It mentioned Susan. Either way, if you are dealing with a puppy, clipping little bits at a time is good. If you are not comfortable enough doing so at first get the vet to show you as he clips the nails for you the first time.

Posted : 24/03/2016 2:54 am
Posts: 15
Active Member

When I was grooming, I didn't often use a nail clipper, only on extremely small dogs. I actually used a dremal, (dremel? er...Rotary tool! My spell-check had no clue what I was talking about lol sorry!) Using the round rip with the sandpaper/filing bit, I would file the nails back until I could see the quick was rather close to the tip. A lot of dog owners at my shop preferred this method because it didn't leave the nails sharp like clipping does. For long nail I would start about the length I wanted it cut and just filed through the nail. I would pinch the toe and hold the foot firmly so that it didn't vibrate their feet so much and tickle them.

You have to be especially cautious when you're doing a dog with long fur with the rotary tool, as the fur will get caught up if you let even a little bit of fur escape your hands. I don't suggest this to novice nail clippers, as it's a bit different than pinching but I eliminated bleeding 100% with this method, and some of the more sensitive footed dogs preferred it too, rather than the pinching nail clippers.

Posted : 24/03/2016 4:20 pm