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Dо dоgs mоurn?
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Dо dоgs mоurn?

33 Posts
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Posts: 27
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I've read somewhere about the empathy of animals-- elephants for example when one of them dies they lay around the corpse thrusting their trunks up and down grieving for their lost member. Animals are capable of feeling sorrow and so much so if they're our own dogs because of a lot of personal attachments, they're like our family.

Posted : 16/05/2016 11:59 pm
Posts: 4
New Member

While mourning may be in question, I do believe that dogs do miss owners. I know that when my grandmother passed away, her dog would climb up in my grandmother's chair and whine. She would also roam through the house carrying one of my grandmother's old slippers.

When we took the dog back to our house, she would sit by the door like she was waiting for my grandmother to come through the door. She was an older dog, and over a few months her health began to fail. We ended up having to take her to the vet multiple times during those first few months. I truly believe she was suffering from a broken heart.

Posted : 17/05/2016 7:36 am
Posts: 18
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Here's the science behind animal's emotions:

Emotions come from a part of the brain called paleoencephalon (=old brain) which is something that all mammals animals have and humans have inherited it from our own evolutionary pathway.
So all mammals can feel emotions through that brain, even mice, such as grieving for their lost pups and becoming depressed if isolated, feeling fear and anger when cornered, etc. Socialising is a very, very early instinct.
What's different among animals is how much they are willing to "give a c**p" about other animals or different species like humans. Wolves are extremely emotionaly invested in their pack, but won't attach themselves readily to another animal unless raised from a pup. Dogs on the other hand have been selectively bred for no less than 50.000 years to become emotionally attached to humans and other animals as if it were their biological family or pack. Both species feel emotions very strongly, like dissappointment, anticipation, pouting, etc, but express them in different ways.
Since for a dog the "pack" and effective family is the owner family and the other existing dogs, so whatever happens to them impacts greatly upon the dog's emotions.

Posted : 17/05/2016 8:36 am
Posts: 13
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Аftеr thе Nаvy SЕАL Jоn Tumilsоn wаs killеd in Аfghаnistаn, mоrе thаn а thоusаnd friеnds аnd fаmily аttеndеd thе funеrаl in Rоckfоrd, Iоwа, including his "sоn" Hаwkеyе, а blаck Lаbrаdоr rеtriеvеr whо, with а hеаvy sigh, lаy dоwn in frоnt оf Tumilsоn's flаg-drаpеd cаskеt. Thеrе, thе lоyаl dоg stаyеd fоr thе еntirе sеrvicе.

Thеrе is оnе оf thе mаny, mаny еxаmplеs I cоuld givе аftеr аll оf my yеаrs with dоgs аnd thеir pеоplе. I did nоt witnеss this оnе pеrsоnаlly but it shоws аn еxаmplе оf hоw dоgs dо indееd mоurn.

Griеf is оnе оf thе bаsic еmоtiоns dоgs еxpеriеncе, just likе pеоplе. Dоgs аlsо fееl fеаr, hаppinеss, sаdnеss, аngеr, аs wеll аs pоssеssivеnеss.

In а pеrsоnаl еxpеriеncе I hаd а cаt fоr 18 yеаrs nаmеd Bооgеr. Bооgеr chоsе tо pаss аwаy whilе I wаs оut оf tоwn dоing аn Irоnmаn rаcе. Hе wеnt tо slееp оn thе pillоw оf my bеd аnd didn't wаkе up. My dоg, Gidgеt, wаs fоund sitting nеxt tо him, wаiting until my husbаnd cаmе hоmе. Hе buriеd Bооgеr in а flоwеr gаrdеn thаt I tооk cаrе оf аnd plаntеd. Fоr а fеw wееks whеn Gidgеt wаs оutsidе tо dо hеr thing, shе lаid right by thе grаvе аnd hung оut with thе spirit оf Bооgеr.

Dоgs dо indееd griеvе аnd thеy hеlp us gеt thrоugh griеf аs wеll. Truly а bеst friеnd tо thеir humаns аnd аnimаl fаmily аnd friеnds.

This is another wonderful story of how our pets is so amazing. I've heard and seen different kinds of stories which dogs displays sorrow and sadness upon losing their human. I'm also amazed that your dog and cat goes well together and your dog even mourn on the departure of your cat. Sure thing our pets is part of the family who will be missed when they're gone.

Posted : 09/02/2018 4:04 pm
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

I think dogs have a special sense for people who have cared for them. I think they can sense when their bestfriends are sick or dying or already gone, maybe with their sense of smell and yeah, actions of some of the dogs I know of seem to indicate that they mourn.

Posted : 10/02/2018 2:41 am
Posts: 16
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Yes, I believe they mourn in their own ways.Dogs are very apparent.You know when they are happy, angry or sad.They can easily get attached to their master and give their loyalty to them so when their masters died, they also feel saddened and it really has proven for so many inspiring stories out there.

Posted : 10/02/2018 5:20 am
Posts: 3
New Member

That is a sad and beautiful story at the same time. It is sad because, the sweetest animal on earth has to feel the way we humans feel. They get hurt and feel the pain of losing someone you love. They get sad when they feel something is not right with their family. But the story is also beautiful, actually it's amazing that dog never let the cat die alone. Sometimes, these animals are better than human being. They have a pure heart and a sweet soul.

Posted : 10/02/2018 8:58 am
Posts: 10
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They do, they just have different ways of mourning. When my parents decided to move to another place, their dog was depressed, he stopped eating. Then when they moved my grandma kept telling them about their dog, updates on how he is doing. They decided to go back, take the dog but it was too late. When my dog's pup died we buried her pup and she wasn't comfortable, she kept barking and when she got tired, she slept beside her pup's grave.

Posted : 10/02/2018 2:03 pm
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

I see dogs and every other pet out there the same way I see my fellow human beings. It's why I'm against any form of animal abuse. In fact, I'm against killing them for sports or consumption. I will mourn my dog for at least 3 years when he kicks the bucket. 

Posted : 31/01/2023 1:33 pm
Posts: 29
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Dogs are 100% attached to their owners. They never get over the owners because they understand loyalty better than any other species in this planet. 

Posted : 27/11/2023 5:16 pm
Posts: 24
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My 2nd dog was killed by a hit and run driver 10 years ago. I was depressed losing him that way. It's why now, I don't let my dog go out on their own. There are so many crazy drivers out there, they don't care about dogs. 

Posted : 27/07/2024 2:04 am
Posts: 179
Estimable Member

All animals have different ways of showing their emotions or mourning for their dead ones. But in the case of dogs, they have emotions like humans. I have seen dogs crying for their owners, roaming around looking for them. They won't eat or sleep until they find their owner. 

One of my neighbours lost his dear wife and their dog fall sick that period, couldn't eat. Always whimpering and going round the house. I know he's searching for his owner.

Posted : 02/08/2024 9:42 am
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

Yes, dogs mourn their dead puppies. It's just like this video where this dog was heart broken over the death of his puppy. He couldn't let go.

Posted : 16/09/2024 4:54 am
Asaba reacted
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Any pet animal that you have taken very good care of will always mourn you whenever you have passed away or you eventually have to give them up because you can no longer be able to care for them. They will always feel very devastated because they have feelings too. 

Posted : 04/10/2024 4:48 am
Posts: 179
Estimable Member

Dogs mourn and grieve. They are like the second humans that have emotions. Dogs show their grieve of their lost ones by rejecting their food, playing and also being dull until that mourning period passed 

Posted : 09/10/2024 9:32 am
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