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fila brasileiro tho...
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fila brasileiro thoughts

2 Posts
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Posts: 38
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Recently, some friend of mine offered me to adopt a fila brasileiro female pup. And I really don't know, fila brasileiro breeds are overzealous guardian dogs, an adult one can't stand the sight of strangers. I have a wide backyard suitable for a dog breed of that size, but I'm afraid that is quite doubtful I would be able to control the instincts of such a dog.

What do you think?

Posted : 30/05/2016 8:32 am
Posts: 12
Active Member

A Fila is a serious guard dog. I've never owned one but I knew someone who did and the dog always had to do be locked in a kennel when there were any guests. It wouldn;t tolerate anyone trespassing on the property whether friend or foe.

Posted : 18/01/2019 9:45 pm