Last seen: May 18, 2016
Well it's not exactly a dog movie but I'd have to say The Journey of Natty Gann. It's such a great movie. I watched it first when I was a kid and so t...
I've never tried this on my cat and I don't think I ever would, but I can't help feeling that mine will just end up eating it. I'd read so much about ...
I don't think dogs should be cooped up in an apartment at all. It's even worse when companionship is not available to it at all times. They are extrem...
My dogs and cats don't get along at all. Strangely, this is mostly because of my oldest cat. She's quite aggressive towards the dogs. They have attemp...
Haha this is so much fun! The most I've gotten out of mine have been obliging barks when called upon to do so. I would love to have a dog who tries th...
Bathing the dogs has never not been hard. Makes for some hilarious stories though. We have purely outdoor dogs so bathing is not too much of a concern...
I think that more often than not, this is successful when the dogs are introduced to other animals as puppies. When they've been used to interacting ...
I've seen this happen over and over again although not when you're dog's only over in the next room (unless it's new puppy you've just brought home). ...
If you're just looking for nice looking dogs I would recommend pure bred, but if you're looking for dogs with certain attributes, I'd definitely recom...